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ProPublica || Top and Best .onion websites Part-2

ProPublica: Holding Power to Account through Investigative Journalism

ProPublica is a dark website for news. ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force.

ProPublica || Top and Best .onion websites Part-2 — TiydoSoft

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The Mission of ProPublica

ProPublica is an independent, nonprofit newsroom that is committed to producing investigative journalism that has a moral force. Their team of over 100 dedicated journalists covers a range of topics, including government and politics, business, criminal justice, the environment, education, healthcare, immigration, and technology. Their focus is on stories with the potential to spur real-world impact, and their reporting has contributed to the passage of new laws, reversals of harmful policies and practices, and accountability for leaders at all levels of government.

The Importance of Investigative Journalism in a Democracy

Investigative journalism is critical to any democracy, as it serves as a watchdog against abuses of power and corruption. It is through investigative journalism that the public becomes informed about complex issues that affect their daily lives. Investigative journalism has the power to uncover the truth, hold those in power accountable, and spur reform.

ProPublica’s Team and Areas of Coverage

ProPublica has a team of more than 100 journalists who are dedicated to uncovering the truth, no matter how long it takes or how much it costs. They cover a range of topics, including government and politics, business, criminal justice, the environment, education, healthcare, immigration, and technology. ProPublica’s team of journalists is made up of experts in their respective fields, who work tirelessly to uncover abuses of power and to hold those in power accountable.

The Impact of ProPublica’s Reporting: Positive Changes and Reforms

ProPublica’s reporting has had a significant impact on society. Their investigative journalism has contributed to the passage of new laws, reversals of harmful policies and practices, and accountability for leaders at local, state, and national levels. Their reporting has exposed corruption and abuses of power, leading to positive changes and reforms.

Funding Investigative Journalism: ProPublica’s Nonprofit Model

Investigative journalism requires a great deal of time and resources, and many newsrooms can no longer afford to take on this kind of deep-dive reporting. ProPublica’s work is powered primarily through donations, and the vast bulk of the money they spend goes directly into world-class, award-winning journalism. They are committed to uncovering the truth, no matter how long it takes or how much it costs, and they practice transparent financial reporting, so donors know how their dollars are spent.

ProPublica’s Commitment to Transparency and Accountability

ProPublica is committed to transparency and accountability. They practice transparent financial reporting, so donors know how their dollars are spent. They are also committed to being open and honest with their reporting, and they work tirelessly to uncover the truth.

ProPublica’s Ongoing Mission to Expose Abuses of Power

It was founded in 2007-2008 with the belief that investigative journalism is critical to our democracy. Their staff remains dedicated to carrying forward the important work of exposing corruption, informing the public about complex issues, and using the power of investigative journalism to spur reform. ProPublica’s ongoing mission is to hold those in power accountable, to expose abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust, and to use the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through the sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing.

The Onion Link of ProPublica is or or or Copy and paste this URL in your regular browser or Tor browser. I recommend using the Tor browser for your safety. And for only tor browser, the link is http://www.propub3r6espa33w.onion/ or https://p53lf57qovyuvwsc6xnrppyply3vtqm7l6pcobkmyqsiofyeznfu5uqd.onion/. Please use a VPN for your safety.

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